Friday, November 18, 2011

The Line Up

Up to this point I had not named any of my pieces.  I became a member of the Colored Pencil Society of America nationally and then joined the Idaho Chapter as well.  The group meets in Idaho Falls and are a really exceptional bunch of artists!  In the meantime I had begun work a "practice" piece that took on a life of it's own!  This "practice" piece became my first museum showing!  It was created on Stonehenge paper with Caran D'Ache Luminance 6901 pencils with a few FC Polychromos.  Loved the pencils AND the paper! Yay!


  1. This piece blows my socks off! I feel so blessed to have a print of this piece! There isn't a day that I don't stare at it in wonder, how on earth did you get the reflections and luminance in the glass! I am thrilled that this piece is available as a print - I know that there are many, many people that would love to have this piece in their own home! AND, kudos! This piece was in a museum exhibit! WOW!!!! You are published!!!!

  2. Thanks Patty! As you well know, I do the same with your Ristra! It is an honor to have a stunning piece that someone has poured their heart and soul into, isn't it? I can't wait for my next giclee of your horse eye to arrive. I know I will be the same with it. Thanks again faithful cheerleader!

  3. This looks like a photo, it's so lifelike! Wonderful!!
